| 087-4143526
3a St. Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Live Blood Analysis
Live blood analysis is the study of a single drop of blood examined under a microscope, in its living state in order to determine the general health, vitality and well-being of a person. This is done whilst the client observes their own sample on a laptop monitor.
They then can see the condition of their own blood, and get some guidelines to improve their health if required. Looking directly at your own blood is a unique experience.
During the test you will be given detailed information in a clear and comprehensive manner which will be easy to follow.
You will begin to understand what is happening at a cellular level in your body, and you will see the benefits from small changes made to your diet and lifestyle over a period of time. These changes can be monitored and recorded, and many health problems disappear when the body is given a chance to bring itself into balance.
Live Blood Analysis is very useful for people who are struggling with health problems. It is also an important tool in preventative health especially in relation to the lives we are leading today.
Treatment Fees
Live Blood Analysis | From €80.00 per session. |
Discounts available for multiple bookings. |
Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
Call the clinic in Glasnevin anytime on 087-4143526 out of hours or send an email to to make an appointment.