| 087-4143526
3a St. Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Diet & Nutrition
There is lots of confusion today regarding nutrition. We should be concerned about what we are consuming. People build body chemistry on the kinds of food they eat, therefore the body is only as healthy as the foods consumed. The way we are living and eating will determine our future health.
A medical study of the development of cardiovascular disease turned up six primary risk factors. They are obesity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, smoking and lack of exercise. All but the last two are seriously affected by what we eat. I feel that many people have grossly underestimated the power of foods to help keep the body disease free, energetic, and at peak level of wellness.
Our health is determined as much by what we do not eat as by what we do eat. A deficient diet can cause nutritional deficiencies that lead to future disease. I believe that the constution that we inheret from our parents plays a large part in our health profile. We need to nourish our constitution throughout our life to reap the benefits of good health.
The Diet & Nutrition advice is incorporated into Live Blood Analysis appointments and the Iridology appointments.Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
Call the clinic in Glasnevin on 087-4143526 or send an email to to make an appointment.

Impacts of Diet Nutrition
- Healthy Skin
- Weight control
- Lessen the chance of heart disease
- More active life
- Live longer